Definition of Scarlet fever

1. Noun. An acute communicable disease (usually in children) characterized by fever and a red rash.

Exact synonyms: Scarlatina
Generic synonyms: Contagion, Contagious Disease

Definition of Scarlet fever

1. Noun. (disease) A streptococcal infection, mainly occurring among children, and characterized by a red skin rash, sore throat and fever. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Scarlet fever

1. An acute illness, characterised by a reddish skin rash, which is caused by a systemic infection with the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. (09 Oct 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Scarlet Fever

scarlatinal nephritis
scarlatiniform erythema
scarlet bugler
scarlet bush
scarlet clematis
scarlet cup
scarlet fever
scarlet fever antitoxin
scarlet fevers
scarlet fritillary
scarlet hamelia
scarlet haw
scarlet letter
scarlet letters
scarlet lychnis
scarlet maple
scarlet musk flower
scarlet oak
scarlet pimpernel
scarlet plume

Literary usage of Scarlet fever

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences by Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (U.S.) (1911)
"Wor,h., 1910, Ivii, 2512) has investigated the efficiency of the liver in scarlet fever and found that in the greater number of cases there was a ..."

2. A History of Epidemics in Britain by Charles Creighton (1894)
""scarlet fever" at St Albans, 1748. The same disease that Fothergill described for London and villages near was seen at St Albans in the autumn of 1748, ..."

3. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene by Milton Joseph Rosenau, George Chandler Whipple, John William Trask, Thomas William Salmon (1921)
"scarlet fever scarlet fever is an acute febrile infection characterized by a diffuse eruption which appears during the first day or two of the fever, ..."

4. Annual Report by Indiana State Board of Health (1887)
"Dr, Metcalf: DEAR SIR—In summing up the returns and deaths from our recent epidemics, diphtheria and scarlet fever, I find that without an exception ..."

5. The Year Book of Pediatrics (1903)
"He concludes that no direct support can be given to the theory that scarlet fever is a streptococcus disease. Serum Treatment. ..."

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